Wednesday 2 September 2015

Khun Paen Phong Pai Kuman 2516-17 with only 1 takrut; Lp Tim Wat Lahayai.

Here is another piece with single takrut, but the powder is very compact you can see the green thing like algae on the surfaces. The takrut is not been oxidised. I have encase it with the custom made thick gold waterproof casing; It cause me RM1600. Ask my friend to do it for me because he frequent go Thailand.

That all. If time permit I will post some of LP Tim item to share among the hobbyiet. Thank you for reading my blog. Take Kopi first. If you see any collective item you like; can contact me; no need money just come and see because Im very boring; at least have some one to take kopi n chat with me. Nowaday I not much work and have too many free time don't know what to do about it. Hopefully economy will be recover and I will have more work to do.

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